Core Values

To be able to fulfill our vision and mission Emmanuel Agbeboaye & Co. (Chartered Accountants) have elected to be guided by certain beliefs and fundamental forces – these drive our actions. These values guide our thoughts and make us stand out in the industry.
We act with integrity and an internal code of honour by always doing the right thing, even when nobody is watching. We seek to be open not only in appearance but in fact.
We acknowledge ownership and accountability of our actions and accept responsibility for their consequences without exceptions or excuses.
Our enthusiasm becomes contagious in the way we treat people and perform services with an unparalleled passion.
We honour the dignity of all people and respect every organisation we enter. Respect is part of our language and our clients always notice this.
We exist as a team to support each other in creating a superior work environment and delivering an exceptional customer experience. This has been the major factor that account for our timeliness.